
Water quality is a major issue for food (plant and animal) production and human use. Regardless of whether the water source is from surface supplies or from a groundwater bore, water quality can be affected by salts (saline water), carbonates (hard water), high mineral content (eg. iron), biological pathogens (eg. E.Coli) or chemical compounds (eg. fertilisers, weedicides, and insecticides). These contaminants can adversely affect health of organ and system cells in plants, animals, and humans.

The main reason that Phi’on groundwater services target the deep fractured rock water is that this water can increase in quality and volumes as the bore depth increases. Also, this water is more sustainable than surface supplies as it is the ongoing or continuous source of all surface water supplies (ie. earth generated water). However, these deep- water sources can be affected by near surface inflows (eg. salts and carbonates) from shallow aquifers in the bore hole.

Traditionally, food producers have used filters, reverse osmosis (RO), desalinisation, and in some cases magnetic or other energy sources to recondition water. However, these technologies have failed to address the fundamental energy in water that is critical to cell health. All cells in all living species reach full health potential at negative (-) 50mV. When a cell loses negative (-) charge or changes polarity to 0 (zero) or takes on a positive (+) charge then the cell environment changes to a disease state. Cell negative (-) charge is the energy force of life.

The natural state of water in a pristine flowing water stream has a negative (-) charge. This charge is sustained by the continuous vortex action of flowing water. When water is stored in tanks, dams, reservoirs, and straight pipes it takes on a positive (+) charge due to the loss of the vortex action. All contaminated waters deliver a positive (+) charge. All living systems are striving to convert this positive (+) charge to a negative (-) charge by using the energy produced by that living system. However, if a living system consumes negative (-) charge water it does not have to use its own energy to do this polarity conversion. Therefore, the microbe, plant, animal or human conserves energy for other regulation and healing purposes.

Phi’on water conditioning devices

Phi’on produced a water conditioning device in 2012 that entrains a permanent negative (-) charge into water. This charge is the life-force energy of all living species and it is this charge that sustains healthy cells. Also, this negative (-) charge enables water to transform water quality, eliminate pathogenic microbes (eg. E.Coli) and transmute chemicals back to their elemental (non-toxic) form.

Phi’on’s inline water devices for food production and drinking water systems range from 3/4” to 4”. Further information is at

A consequence of plants, animals, and humans continuously consuming positive (+) charge water is that it is a major factor that contributes to declining nutrient density in food and a major incline in disease. In this respect, poor water quality and food degradation are linked to illness and disease. The answer to healing cell damage, lays in transforming the quality of the water to a permanent negative charge (-mV).

Structured water and health

Since 2003, Phi’on research into water, and particularly the crystal structure of water, four critical facts became clear:

  1. The water in cells of all living species is structured water with a negative charge in the range of -50mV to make new cells with the highest potential for regulation and healing
  2. Our paleo ancestors mainly drank naturally structured negative charge -mV (syntropy) water from flowing water systems.
  3. Most people on Earth today are drinking a de-structured, positive charge +mV (entropy) or an unnatural form of water that is supplied from tanks, reservoirs, and straight pipes (ie. urban water)
  4. When people and animals drink de-structured, positive charge (entropy) water, the body must expend a considerable amount of cell energy to convert the positive (+) charge to a negative (-) charge. Over time this can degrade the charge of cells towards positive (+) and this is the zone for disease and other health issues.

Our research has proven that consuming or using structured water is the basis for the extension of wellbeing in life. Therefore, Magnetised, Energised and Activated (MEA) water was created by Phi’on to replicate pristine flowing water. This invention was the Holy Grail for water. The simple change in the liquid crystalline structure of still water, through a unique resonance of magnetism, changed everything.

Further research found that the MEA structured water holds its negative charge permanently. This water activates the electrical capacity of beneficial microbes, enables greater cell penetration, eliminates pathogenic E.Coli and minimises the growth of moulds and fungi. It even removes mineral deposits (eg. Calcite) in pipes!

Additional research showed that the consumption of MEA structured water increases the human bodies capacity to uptake nutrients from food, and to heal from inflammation and disease. When the inline devices are used in food production, the MEA structured water produces greater food size and yields, stimulates microbial activity, and supportes the overall health of plants and animals.

Food and other plant applications

Phi’on research (Resonate Research Pty Ltd) since 2012 has demonstrated that the negatively charged water produced by the MEA water conditioner devices has a natural and unique association with microbes (eg. soil water, and the gut of animals and humans) in the transport of nutrients. That is, when negatively charged water is added to soil biology, the uptake of nutrients to a plant can be 2-4 folds greater. Resonate Research has measured at least a doubling in food production.

For example, the images (below) of the vineyard (Half Moon Vineyard, Mongarlowe, NSW, Australia) show healthy plant foliage albeit that they grow on poor soils with low nutrient availability. The size of plant leaves trebled, and grape bunches doubled in size along with grape numbers. Consequently, grape tonnage doubled (from 5 to 10 tonnes) in 2015 due to the use of a 2” water conditioner and the application (fertigation) of Resonate Research soil biology (Catalyst) to the water. There was no loss in grape juice quality.

Similar results have been achieved with other food types, eg:

The images above are of a beetroot grown with MEA (negative charged) water and weighing 1.5kg and a bunch of table grapes also grown with MEA water and containing 375 grapes.

Below are other examples of root vegetables that have been grown with negatively charged water from a MEA water conditioner. These foods have high nutrient density (measured with a BRIX meter) and reached a size and quality (not woody in texture) that is evidence of the potential for vegetables when grown with MEA water and Phión soil biology. The image on the right shows that when cabbages are grown with negatively charged water there is little or no insect attack.

Food production is an integrated approach that combines negative (-) charge water, beneficial soil biology (added as an inoculant) and the use of compost (including organic waste recovered from waste- water treatments).

Trials on the use of MEA water demonstrate that the size and health of roses (see images next page) increased considerably after application of the MEA water. These results are consistent with measurements and observations by Phi’on (Resonate Research) with flowers, fruit, and vegetables since 2012. In all cases a plant increases its potential to express size, nutrient density, form, and health (disease free) when watered with MEA water, and this potentially increases when biology (and carbon in the form of compost) is added to the growing area.

Clearly, there is an opportunity to use the MEA water devices in a wide range of applications, including flower production, viticulture, horticulture, vegetable production, etc. to increase food and plant health in a manner that is largely disease free and nutrient dense.

The irrigation of crops and pastures with negatively charged water will always improve production results. Similar production results can also be achieved with forestry.


The Phi’on patented water devices give control back to food producers to transform their water from a positive charge (+) to a permanent negative (-) charge and to transform it to a life-affirming form in food. Phi’on invites you to learn more about the science and research behind structured water devices, and how structured water can improve health.

Extensive information can be found in our research papers at

Devices are available for purchase here The Phi’on office staff are happy to answer your groundwater questions. Please call Phi’on on 02-4842 8182 or email