Once a upon a time, our ancestors lived on the banks of pristine flowing streams and drank natural, pure, living water. Today, most people are drinking water that is unnatural, contaminated, dead water. Unfortunately, this unstructured urban water is having an adverse effect on people’s health.

Robert Gourlay, Chief Scientist of Phi’on became interested in water quality for the health of soils, plants, animals and humans back in the early 1990’s after reading the work of Viktor Schauberger and his insight into pristine water and the energy within this water. Robert’s research continued over the years and eventually he met with 14 water scientists in Vienna (Austria) in 2010 where they challenged Robert to restructure still water (eg. from a tank), to hold a negative (-mV) charge for more than 2.5 days and sustain a light blue colour in the water.

At this stage Robert already understood that pristine flowing water held a negative (-mV) charge and that this water changed to a positive (+mV) charge after 60 hours, and this was the state of dead water when put into a tank or pipeline. These water scientists from Austria considered water that could hold a charge for more than 60 days was the Holy Grail of Water Science. The challenge was to develop a device that could permanently restore the negative (-mV) charge to water and the crystalline structure in water. When water freezes to ice it forms a solid-state, comprising a six-sided, hexagonal, crystalline structure as illustrated in the images below. However, this six-sided, crystalline structure is also present in liquid, structured water and can be achieved with the Phi’on Magnetic, Energised and Activated (MEA) water devices.

The Phi’on MEA water patents include:

  1. Proven ability to entrain a permanent negative charge into the water
  2. Proven ability of the structured water (ie. the negative charge) to activate the function of beneficial microbes, eg. in the soil and in the guts of animals and humans
  3. Proven ability of the microbes to eliminate E.Coli from waste or contaminated water
  4. Proven ability of Phi’on MEA water devices to entrain natural wave energies into water passing through a MEA water device

Phi’on research has also proven the beneficial effects of the structured water on plant growth and productivity, animal and human health. These results are documented in papers on the MEA website at www.meawater.com. A cell in any living thing requires a negative charge within the cell to reach full potential for regulation and healing.

The cell’s syntropy forces that our ancestors used to enable a cell to stay in a healthy range are:

  • Drinking structured (-mV) water daily
  • Eating food that is fresh and organic daily. The water in this food carries a -mV charge
  • Entraining sunlight energy (photons) to cells daily, and across the full spectrum of light
  • Daily contact with nature, eg. with soil, plants and animals in a natural environment
  • Embracing the emotions of love, joy and hope that carry negative charge
  • Using melodic or harmonic music frequencies to improve cell vibration.

The opposite force to syntropy is entropy, and these forces are involved in cell decay and aging. Entropy forces are any activity that is counter to the dot points above. However, the syntropy of MEA water devices enables many benefits to plant life and include a significant increase in the uptake of nutrients, increase in flavoursome taste, yields, food storage time and an increase in plant roots and the storage of soil water and carbon. Results have also included increased intensity in flower colour, diversity and abundance of soil microbes, and increased health and reproduction rates in fish.

The key benefits Phi’on MEA water devices are summarised in the image below:

Clearly, drinking syntropy water and the syntropy water in the cells of fresh food are critical factors in sustaining a high immune system response for cell function and renewal. It is the negative (-) charge in these waters that is the key to good health and longevity. Cell memory requires a plentiful supply of both oxygen (negatively charged electrons) and negatively charged water in the cell to achieve maximum potential for renewal.

It is for these reasons that a new approach to health is required to enable all people to have access to negatively charged, structured, syntropy water for drinking, food production and food preparation. Syntropy drinking water and syntropy water in fresh organic food, contains the storage phenomena of forces that drives life to its fullest potential. The public’s ready access to syntropy water is the main way to arrest the rapid decline of human health towards chaos. Any improvement in the global status of human health will reverse the inevitable economic and social chaos, particularly in the developed world.

The key question arising from the factors that differentiates the Phión Syntropy water device results from other commercial technologies is the fact that the Phión Syntropy Water permanently retains its negative charge. The only explanation for this difference is that the Syntropy Water devices create another time and space dimension to the six-sided crystalline structure in the water. This creates a permanent bond between the water molecules, and this prevents the exposure of the bonding to disorganisation, ie. prevents oxidation.

Therefore, the Phión water device technology and its capacity to produce syntropy drinking water and grow food with a high syntropy expression are critical forces in sustaining good cellular health and longevity.

You are your cell water